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Here are latest news announcements from Johnson Publishing Services

We are producing a price list of our services that will appear on this page. It will be updated within this coming week; stay tuned as we add more information for you to this page.

Our newest website and e-course is currently in development.

The Nonprofit Fundraising Toolkit website is set to launch very shortly, and our ebook “Steal My Fundraising Letter” will be featured on this free took for nonprofit organizations needing guidance on raising funding and donations.

Nonprofits live and die by their ability to bring in the dollars to fund their vision.

Nonprofits are also usually stymied by not having a budget to hire fundraising professionals to do this job. Therefore, they have to settle on seeking volunteers from their board of directors or their cadre of volunteers — groups of devoted fans of the nonprofit who seldom possess the skills or desire to ask other people for money!

This new website, e-course and ebook (plus a planned fundraising paperback workbook in the near future) will help educate and guide newbies to fundraising practices, and provide the shortcut needed to get started and keep going when the going feels tough.

We will also introduce interviews with other fundraising pros as well as reviews of favorite books and video tutorials available today.